11 September 2012

Week in Review-Week # 2- 2012-2013

Only the second week of our Week in Review and I am already several days behind. We had an extremely busy weekend!

We are in Sonlight Core D week #2

Scripture Memory this week: 
James 4:17


This week we are in the book of Genesis chapter 7, 8, 9, and 21.



We are reading, Walk the World's Rim" by Betty Baker. Now that the story has developed the kids are enjoying it. We are even ahead in our reading schedule. They wanted me to read and extra chapter this last week.

We are also started, "Pedro's Journal" by Pam Conrad. The kids really have enjoyed this book.

For our poetry, "A Child's Introduction To Poetry" by Michael Driscoll.
Physical Education
We have put PE on hold this semester so we can catch our breath after so much busyness. 

Therapy and Appointments
Bug had no therapy this week. 

American Indian Prayer Guide

We learned about the Mayans and Aztecs and prayed for them.

History & Geography

Christopher Columbus was our topic for the week. We worked on a map of the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.

We then read a little bit more on the Mayans and made a Mayan Calendar.

Bug is learning about the state of Florida.She learned the state bird is the Mocking Bird. The state song is about a river. The name of the song, "Swanee River" which we listened to online. She learned many other things about the state of Florida.

Her favorite part is learning about the Everglades. We even watched Swamp Wars on Animal Planet a few times during the week.

Next stop in Florida-Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center. Which we will continue to learn about in week 3.

Little Man wanted to work on his Life Pac by himself this week. He informed me,"that he can read it by himself"." I can check his work after he is done". Little Man is becoming quite independent. My baby is growing up!

Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies

Bug is doing good so far in Multiplication considering that it is only the x0 and x1. A friend loaned us her copy of Times Tales to try with her. It looks like it may be a good fit for her. 

Little Man likes RightStart Math still. He thinks it is very easy. Mom is trying to adjust to such a different math program.
Little Man grabbed a smaller chapter book off the shelf this week BY HIMSELF! He is reading, "The Imagination Station Voyage with the Vikings."

The kids are doing well in Hebrew and are racing each other in the book to see who can get ahead in the book. As long as they test out of each chapter I am okay with it. It's quite amusing watching the compitetion. 

The kids are doing all the 3'rs and we are staying on schedule.

We are doing Real Science 4 Kids Biology 1. The kids dislike it a lot still. Little Man brought me a dinosaur book and informed me," it was much more interesting!"

The good news is that they are still loving Insects by Memoria Press.

Have a blessed weekend.


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