29 August 2018

A Blackguard’s Redemption by Ta’Mara Hanscom Book Review

A Blackguard s Redemption is the third volume of 5 in the epic romance series The Caselli Family Series.

Eleven years have passed since Noah and Tillie s chance meeting. Tillie is married to Alex Martin, III. Noah has been a widower for the past five years, and has grown terribly lonely.

Giuseppe and Rosa conspired, along with their daughter-in-law, Tara, to keep Noah s identity a secret...but little did they know that Noah himself would reveal their deceptions to an unsuspecting Angel.

As Alex relocates his family to Rapid City, SD, Noah s heart returns to the desire of a love he s never forgotten. And while Alex grows in the limelight of politics, Angel s heart softens to another man.

When tragedy strikes the Martins, Alex abandons his wife and children in their greatest hour of need. Giuseppe watches his planned marriage unravel and confesses his deceit to Noah.

Caught between a workaholic husband and a charming old flame, Tillie is torn between righteousness and desire.

My Thoughts:

I was thrilled to get started with the third book in the “Caselli Family Series.” This book could be read as a standalone if you haven’t read the first two books in the series. The book does a good job filling in the gaps and summarizing events from the first two books. One thing you will miss if you don’t read in order is the depth of the characters. While you may get a glimpse at the series it just would lose its full flavor. It’s a continuing series that flows together nicely.

I just love this series. In book one I fell in love with Noah’s and Tillie’s characters. Then I met Tillie’s family. Then forget it, I was completely lost in the series.


Alex is relocating his family to Rapid City, SD so he can pursue his political career. Tillie will be away from her close nit family. Alex has promised her that he would always put her first in his life and he wouldn’t get sucked up in politics and his work again. Little did Alex know that in that very town his, Tillie gave away her heart to a young man some eleven years ago. The man happens to be one of Alex’s biggest clients and his best friend. Noah Hansen is a charming and a friendly guy. After all these years Noah didn’t know that his best friend’s wife was his Angel. The same Angel that made Noah get back on the straight and narrow path.

The book does read slowly at times. It didn’t bother me as I truly love the characters and well I’m hooked on the series!

Alex makes me mad and he is a complete knuckle head that can’t see the wonderful life he has been given. He has a beautiful compassionate wife and two charming children. Not to mention his extended family. He comes across as a selfish and prideful man to his family. To the rest of the world he is very compelling. The thought that he would do such hateful things while is wife is in the hospital seems unimaginable.

As much as I like Noah’s character. I felt he was ridicules with how he handles Angel. It reminded me of a school age kid who has no control of his feelings. He gets engaged to Melinda thinking it will solve all his problems. I don’t think his character has much common sense when it comes to his personal life. Still he’s completely charming and a great father.

While some parts of the book feel cheesy like how Noah has no control of his school boy antics when it comes to Angel. The thought that he’d just give Melinda a high dollar house seems unrealistic. Regardless, I’m hooked.

I really appreciated how the author had Tillie have a strong stance on the covenant of marriage. Not a common theme in Christian books today or in the church today. Her strong personality and convictions despite the odds is encouraging.

I love the family dynamics. All the brothers are unique and have different personalities along with their wives. Not to mentions the parents of Tillie and Alex. Then you have Noah’s brother and sister-in-law.

A book about faith, love, hurt and forgiveness that has the potential to destroy a family or bring them closer.

You are left with a cliff hanger. This series has been an all time favorite of mine. I read a lot of books and I have few that grab my heart like this series has. Thank you Ta’mara Hanscom for an amazing heartfelt story.

I received a free copy of this product from Reata Publishing in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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