21 September 2018

I'm Still Here

Wow, I can't believe that it is almost October. I still haven't put up my 2018-2019 school curriculum or really put a lot of content into my blog lately.

I find the older my kids get the less time I have or maybe I'm not managing my time as well. Who knows maybe it's a bit of both.

I find homeschooling middle and high school doesn't inspire me as much with posting. I'm still learning the ropes with highschool and the whole transcripts and changing my record keeping style. I was pretty organized before my daughter hit highschool with records. I just didn't keep track of grading. I would grade the paper and file them away quickly. Now, I insert the grades to keep track of them and the GPA. I have been using Homeschool Manager and I love it for figuring out final grades and the GPA. I can adjust the grading to my grading scale. It even keeps attendance and I can print out each week's schedule. I also make a book reading list and volunteer hours through Homeschool Manager. It's the easiest homeschool tracker program I have used so far. It does take time inputting the information into it. That's a given with any homeschool tracking program.

I use the  HSLD transcript service that is offered on their site. Even through the Homeschool Manager does have the transcript printout  I prefer to go through the HSLD but, all the information is figured out for me and all I have to do is input the information at the end of the school year for Bug. I actually have already transitioned in keeping records for my middle school minus the transcript. That way it's easier for me next year.

Some days I miss the crafts and lapbooks. My kiddos are growing up so fast Little Man is not so little anymore and is almost 13 and Bug is almost 16. Both kids are now the same height as me. Pretty soon they will be taller than me! It seemed to happen overnight and I'll have to bend my neck to look up to them!

When my kids were younger they wanted me to take pictures to blog about even without me suggesting it. Now I get a, "really mom do you have to take a picture of me for the blog?" Sigh!

All the kids are still in 4-H and we just finished our 4-H year with the State Fair. Bug last year won at state for her entomology project. It was a big deal being a state winner for her Kansas Award Portfollio for her and she put a lot of work into it. I'll try to post a picture of it soon. 

Little Man is an excellent photographer but, I'm a bit bias. His photo made it into the Kansas 4-H calendar. He surprises me with his photos and what he comes up with. He's more of a wildlife and landscape photographer and has a keen eye for things when taking pictures. He helps his sister out a lot in photography and because of his help she has been doing well in the project.

Bug only has 2 appointments a week instead of 7. Thank goodness as I don't know how I did it before. 

We love living in our small town. It has been a great move for our family. We are only 30 minutes from Wichita and most of our appointments are on the east side which makes our commute 45 minutes. When I go into town weekly I plan for a whole day to get other errands done.

I plan on trying to blog more this year. Reviews keep me busy with what spare time I do have. I guess we will see how that pans out with blogging. 

God bless y'all.


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