08 January 2019

Word of the Year-2019

What's in a word? When we hear certain words it sometimes gives you a mental picture of what that word means to us or even others. 

As I was reflecting on a word to go on into 2019 I kept thinking of the word, "FAMILY." Family is a strong word that brings on many emotions depending on your family dynamics; from happiness, love, tears, hurt, and other emotions.

Since we moved to our small town a few years ago we were determined to be more involved with one another. To take time to play more games and to just sit down and enjoy each others presence. 

We've always been involved in ministry in some form or another.  We are always busy with others and running back and forth. A lot of time we were serving in ministry with one another but still too busy for quality family time. 

In the last few years we have still been involved in ministry and we are finding that we are getting busier again. The difference this time around is that we make an extra effort to play together, sit in silence together, and just enjoy one another more outside of ministry. My husband has more time to do things with the kids and me. We want to enjoy the time with our now 13 and 16 year old kids. We want them to not just have good memories of serving others and our congregation community but, with one another and extended family.

We have been determined to carry that into 2019. We are spending time with my in-laws often as they are aging and have had health issues the last few years. We enjoy spending time just sitting and talking with them. We want to cherish the time together and to build memories before its to late. The kids enjoy seeing them and their cousins more often. 

My sister-in-law was buried yesterday. I wasn't able to attend the out of state funeral. I sometimes feel saddened that I didn't spend enough time with my brother before he passed away and now my sister-in-law. I heard my  nieces and nephew express the same thing. They are all now grown and have families of their own. I pray that as family I can make an extra effort to be there for them now that both of their parents have passed away.

FAMILY is so important and I want to cherish the days that the Lord grants me to be together. 

What word are you taking into 2019. Other bloggers have put together their word of the year. Click on the graphic below to read more.



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