26 March 2020

Timeline Collection: A Collection of Historical Timeline Figures Review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Home School in the Woods has been a favorite vendor throughout our years of homeschooling. When I first started homeschooling many years ago one of our curriculums that we used for many years used the Timeline Collection: A Collection of Historical Timeline Figures. My kids loved coloring and putting the timeline figures in our timeline book, it was the highlight of the day when we did this.

Now that my kids are older they still have a love of timelines and especially Timeline Collection: A Collection of Historical Timeline Figures (grades K-12). We are a family that loves history and the more we can learn about it the happier we are. Seeing history come together in a timeline really makes it more tangible when you are tying so many events/people together.

My family received the family license; however you can use them in a small co-op with some exceptions.  There is a license available for teachers and schools too. This is available as a download and a physical CD.
I received an email to download my file. The download is a zip file that you will need to extract. Instructions are provided if you need assistance on how to download and extract your files. Once you have extracted your files they will be in a PDF format.
This set includes over 1,260 black & white timeline figures plus 80 bonus figures. My family loves the details of each and every one of these realistic renditions of historical events and people. 
Notebook size is on the left & Wall size on your right
There are a couple different sizes: Wall and notebook size. The Wall size can be used to create a timeline on your wall but also other ways. The Notebook figures are smaller and more compacted in size.
There is a plethora of information in files on how to incorporate timelines into your homeschool. You see picture of wall timelines, notebook timelines, lapbooks, and even a game using the timeline figures. Included is also a lot of tips on the timeline figures and ways to fit your needs.
The timeline figures come in two styles. Both styles have an image which is drawn by Amy Pak. Just look at the details and complexity of the images!
Everything is well organized in the various files. At first it may seem overwhelming with the shear amount of timeline figures. Once you get familiar with the files you will really appreciate the layout of everything.
A timeline figure with more details
 One format has a brief description of either the history or biography of the figure, along with the name and date. 

The timeline shows you the event and date of it

The second one has the name of the person or historical event with the date underneath it.
The timeline figures are broken up in 2 Parts.
Part 1:  This section has 4 files of the History Through the Ages Timeline sets which includes Creation to Christ, Resurrection to Revolution, Napoleon to Now, America’s History, and the 80 Bonus Figures. Within each file you have an option to choose with or without text in all the sizes.
GIF Format is easy to locate a single timeline and you can easy adjust size

Part 2: This section has the same timeline figures but it has the timeline figures that can be used for coloring pages or any way you can imagine. It is in a GIF format. You can also print off just one image instead of the whole page of timeline figures. You can actually adjust the size to fit your needs by cutting and pasting it.

You can search by era

There is a lot here and you can search by era in the PDF files:
America's History (Explorers to 21st Century AD)
Bonus Figures (80)
Creation to Christ (Beginning to 1st Century AD)
Napoleon to Now (1750 AD to Modern Day)
Resurrection to Revolution (0-1799 AD)

This is a nice feature as you can see all the timeline figures available quickly

Another way is by index with it all being in Chronological order with the name and page number listed by it to help you locate where the figure is.

How Did I Use Timeline Collection: A Collection of Historical Timeline Figures?

After I extracted the files and got adjusted to locating everything. I showed my 2 teenagers the pictures of the different ways to use the timeline figures.
This was printed on a full size paper. I could have easily made it into a half page. This is available without the description and I can adjust the size with every timeline figure in the GIF format

My son created a customized timeline off a book he was reading

My son has been reading a book on Douglas MacArthur and thought it would be neat creating a timeline of the events and people surrounding him. We looked over the index to see what we could find based off of MacArthur’s life. Using the numbers we quickly located and printed off the pages he needed. Both of my kids preferred the wall size figures over the notebook size. They like that they can see more details and color it more. Unfortunately my son did his timeline twice because he used the wall size figures and it took up two pages. He wanted it more compacted and redid it using the notebook size figures. He also wanted the full size image of Douglas MacArthur. He will put both pages with the book report he is writing.
My daughter has been adding to her timeline book she has used for the last 11 years

My 17 year old daughter has Autism and was pretty stuck not going outside of her book she has used for many years. We went through her current history curriculum and compared it to the timeline figures she had and filled in the missing ones.

My daughter is going to memorize the chronological order of the events in the Bible with her timeline figures on the index cards

My daughter was also enamored with the Creation to Christ (Beginning to 1st Century AD) timeline figures and wanted all of them on index cards and put them in chronological order so she could remember the events in order. Give her a few months and she will have them all remembered after she completes her project. She is coloring her wall sized timeline figures and working slowly on them.

I highly recommend Timeline Collection: A Collection of Historical Timeline Figures for your homeschool. This is a product that can be used yearly in your homeschool. They are so versatile that they will never get boring with the many ways you can enhance your homeschool. You will definitely get your money’s worth out of this.

Home School in the Woods has a U.S. Elections Lap-Pak (grades 3-8) would be a great learning tool in your homeschool exploring the upcoming US Elections. Find out more on this wonderful blog post.

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Home School in the Woods is always very generous to the Homeschool Review Crew. 80 of us are reviewing different products. Click on the graphic below to find out more about other products reviewed. 



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