12 October 2020

Butterfly Box Subscription Review and Giveaway


The Premier Subscription Box For Christian Women


Life is busy, and it can be hard to find the time each day to connect with Christ. Butterfly Box is here to help! We thoughtfully curate a themed box each month to help reclaim those quiet moments with God, build your intimacy with Christ, and live out your faith in the world around you! https://www.yourbutterflybox.com/

My Thoughts:

Life is very busy and finding time for me feels more like a luxury these days. Unfortunately it seems that I don’t do a great job caring for myself like I should. I read my Bible and spend time in prayer but sometimes I don’t feel like my full heart and mind was in it. I’m tired and worn out from caring for my special needs daughter, homeschooling my children and all the roles I play as a wife, mom, and involvement in ministry. It is so important to stop and take time to care for our self to reflect on our relationship with our Savior. When we spend time with our Savior then we are more effective for our family and others in our daily life.

I’m excited to share with you about Butterfly Box.

Butterfly Box is a subscription based box for Christian Women.  Each box is unique for the month. Every box you receive you will be based off a Biblical theme. Each box has five to six carefully chosen items. You box may have a book. The books are well known Christian authors. Or it may have jewelry, décor, personal pampering items, and other unique items for the theme. The items are all faith-based and may be from a Christian small business. I love that each month is unique and great care is taken to purchase items that are blessing other Believers.

I received the September Box –Women of Prayer based of 1 Thessalonians 5:17. 

This box included these items:

You can see a video on my Instagram here

The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian- This is a devotional book that is in a beautiful teal imitation leather embossed book. The book focuses on prayer and incorporating it in every area of your life.

Be Still and Know Journal-This is a beautiful spiral bound journal to write down prayers, thoughts, praises, and testimonies as a reminder to pray constantly and to be reminded of God’s goodness for through those prayers. A lined notebook with beautiful illustrations of sea shells throughout the pages.

Butterfly Prayer Bracelet-a teal bracelet with a whimsical beautiful as a reminder that you are being prayed for and you to pray for others.

Vanilla White & Sweet Peppermint Tea Drops- I love a cup of hot tea and what a great way to snuggle up during your time reading your Bible, devotional, or journaling. I haven’t tried them yet but you just put it in a cup of hot water to dissolve. They already have some sweetness added to them and they are organic.

Weekly Prayer Strategy-Some days I just don’t function and my mind is cluttered with the thoughts of the day. Some days a little direction is needed. Each day of the week is a schedule to include in your daily prayer life: Sundays-worship and thanksgiving, Monday-personal prayers, Tuesday-family, Wednesday-work and ministry, Thursday-community, Friday-our nation, and Saturday-our world.

Here is a glimpse at past boxes:

Look at all those stunning boxes! Butterfly Box is a high quality subscription box. I’m really impressed with the quality of the box. I know I would love this as a personal gift as it would be a delight to have this show up in my mailbox each month.

There is also a Giveaway by clicking here or on the graphic below. You can have a chance to win a 6 month subscription.

You can also get 10% off with code: WELCOME10 from Butterfly Box.

I received a free copy of this product from FrontGate Blogger Network in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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