10 November 2020

Advancing Native Missions Gifting Catalog Review and a Giveaway


We are blessed in America. It’s so easy to take things for granted. I wake up I have running water that is available in several places in my home. I don’t have to worry about when my next meal will be and my pantry is full. I have several Bibles lying around in my home to read. My kids are being educated and have lots of opportunities in the future. I can call the doctor if I need medicine or go into the doctor’s office if needed. I’m not persecuted for my faith in Jesus. And yet, I still find myself complaining. I was born into a middle class family in America abounding with the love and faith in Jesus. Across the world a child was born in dire poverty that will struggle for food, clothes, and may not ever go to school and may not encounter the Gospel message and life changing relationship with our Savior.


Now is the time to act and with COVID-19 those that struggled before are struggling even more. We have a chance to help in many ways by supporting a cause through Advancing Native Missions.


Advancing Native Missions has been around for 28 years and have partners in 97 countries. Their mission is to transform lives with the Gospel.

One thing that was gifted in my name and that is near and dear to my heart is Israel and her people. $150.00 is going to Israel’s Unborn Babies. A Newborn Care Package is going to help a mother in Israel for a month. They will receive baby clothes, essential baby care like a stroller, diapers and formula if needed, and counseling support for a month.


Elena a single mom in Israel was told her baby would have health problems. As a follower of Jesus she decided to keep her baby.


Another thing that is near and dear to my heart is Beekeeping. For many years I kept bees with my special needs daughter and it helped her run a small business selling products from the hive. For $150.00 you can bless someone with a Beekeeping Kit. In other countries believers need a second job to help support ministry like pastors, church planting, and other ministries.

Advancing Native Missions is helping those with the COVID-19 pandemic. Your support of $50.00 can help feed families, hygiene supplies to keep them safe, and financial aid for those who lost their jobs. One person that received a gift was Melati an 87 year old if it wasn’t for a gift her village wouldn’t have helped her because she is a Christian.


A few other effected lives:


Zari was persecuted by her own family for becoming a believer and locked in her room for four years. Zari now has a temporary safe housing and other vital needs.


Violeta wanted a pair of shoes. She now owns a pair.


Kar became a Christian and wanted a Bible to learn more about Jesus and now Kar has a Bible after 54 years of praying and waiting.

Church planters need transportation and you can help with a bicycle or a motorcycle. Tsave is spreading the good news with the help of transportation.


Request a catalog from Advancing Native Missions to help those in need from the things mentioned above or other things like a chicken, goat, sewing machine, medicine, or a well. You can make a difference and show the love of a loving God. If you’re not sure what to give to can allow the ministry to select an area that is most needed.

You can see the catalog online or request a physical mail copy of a catalog


A partner in Bulgaria is giving away a beautiful painted canvas that will look lovely on your wall! Click here or on the graphic below to enter the drawing.


I received a free copy of this product from FrontGate Blogger Network in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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