17 June 2010

Curriculum for next fall

We had our homeschool convention two weeks ago and I am staring at a pile of books It's kinda daunting this time of the year trying to figure out where to start planning for our schedule. I am waiting for a few things that need to be mailed. I am using that as an excuse to start planning for the year. LOL!

 The convention is always alot of fun walking around and seeing all the newest thing out there for homeschooling and seeing other homeschool families that you haven't seen in awhile. Then of course the convention always has great workshops. This year we had Vicki Bentley, she was wonderful listening to. I can tell that I have a few conventions under my belt. I don't feel so overwhelmed with my decisions of what to use. I think overall I am pretty set in my curriculum. The main one being Sonlight. That was one of the reason that I didn't feel so overwhelmed. In other words I didn't want to try every curriculum or resource at one vendor table and then go to the next vendor and change my mind again. I actually had most of my curriculum before the convention. I bought used online this year most of my books. I assume with the economy that alot of families are putting things up for sale this year to pay for next year. I also sold some of my books and curriculum that did not work for use online this year to squeeze in somethings for Little Man and for electives and art supplies.

This school year I will be adding Little Man and my daycare girl Sierra. I was hoping to get Bug more independent in her school work. My goal was to have her do some handwriting and a little bit of her math by herself. Of course, I was still planning on helping her but getting her started and be able to let her finish up by herself. Then checking it before we go to the next subject. Unfortunately, I don't think she will ever be fully independent. I will have to work hard to get Little Man independent.

Here is the general plan for the kids:

Bible and prayer- all three
Sonlight Core 2-Bug mostley. Read-out-louds will be all three plus any activities.
Handle on the Arts 2-all three(crafts and activities for Sonlight core 2)
Sonlight Science 2-all three
All About Spelling Level 2-Bug
Beehive Readers
Wordly Wise 3000 book 1-Bug, may do other two
Daily Language Review grade 2-Bug
Bob Jones English 2 or First Language Lessons-Bug, still deciding which would work for her the best
Handwriting without Tears-Bug and introduce it to the other two
Tatras-Continue with Bug. I just started with Sierra with reading and phonics already and hopefully Little Man here soon
Sonlight Electives 2- How Artist See Series and Classical Kids DVD introducing the classical composers-all three
Artistic Pursuit-all three
Memoria Press Copybook 1 and 2-Bug
Math U See Beta-Bug
Math Mammoth Measuring 1-Bug
MathTacular DVD's-all three and for fun
Kumon books-telling time, money, and word problems-Bug
My Calendar book-all three
English from the Roots Up Volume 1-Bug and have the other two sit in
My State History Funbook Kansas-all three
Fifty States Under God for young learners-all three
Geoboards Math Activities-all three
Pattern Blocks Activities-all three
Word Ladders-Bug, for a change here and there in school.
Hebrew-the whole family. We are using The First Hebrew Primer and I bought Rossetta Stone Hebrew homeschool edition

I bought Mystery of History Volume II-I want to do this so bad. With the younger ones starting preschool this year I want them to have a regular schedule. I think it would be to much to do. Sigh! Wow, it gets alot longer in volume II than the first book. It will go on the shelf for awhile until I know what to expect with schooling 3 full time. I am a little overwhelmed at this time thinking about it. I'll get over it real fast! I know it will work out and I am being a little dramatic!

Horizon Preschool -Little Man and Sierra-just the workbooks end (they both love textbooks)
Kumon My First book of Cutting-Little Man and Sierra
Developing The Early Learner books 1,2,3,4-Little Man and Sierra

I bought the whole Kingdom series by Chuck Black and some great classic Lamplighter books. I try to buy a few every year. I also purchase the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia (last year I bought the history one) I figure if I buy some good references books every year it won't be a big chunk of money when we need them more. Next year, I am planning on a good dictionary like the Webster version in the late 1800,s. It's pricey and then a modern one. So if anyone knows a good modern one let me know what you like.

That is it in a nutshell. Alot of the extra math books are not going to be planned daily- more of a reinforcement for Bugs skills. Last year I used two math curriculum for Bug. They taught math in different ways and it really helped Bug alot. One curriculum she understood one concept in MUS and the other concepts she understood in the Horizon Math. I stopped Horizon half way in the book because she finally got it. Yea! I am finding out that alot of homeschoolers do that with math. The beauty of homeschooling. Meeting the individual needs of each kid.

 Now the fun part is next the planning. May the Lord Bless you and keep you.


  1. May you have your best year yet! [smile] Enjoy Core 2.


  2. Thank you Luke. Core 2 looks like it will be another great one from Sonlight.

  3. And then there's me-still flopping around in the pond trying to decide what to do :)


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