01 December 2011

About Me

I am a sweet tea addicted mamma who loves to cuddle up to a good book. I enjoy gardening and playing with my kids. I have been married to a wonderful man who loves the Lord since 1990. I am a believer in Yeshua (Jesus's Hebrew name), my best friend. We live in Wichita, Kansas and have been here since 2004.

We have been blessed with two children. They are both a miracle from my Savior. Doctor's told us early in our marriage that I could not have children. My husband and I where strangely at peace with this news from the beginning. We knew in our hearts that HE had another plan for us at that time in our lives.

In 1992 HE gave us a heart to work in the inner-city of  Denver, Colorado for many years ministering to children of all ages and pointing them to the Savior Yeshua. Many of the children and families stayed in our home during this time and so we knew that if we had children of our own we wouldn't of been able to do what HE had planned for us during this time. We did foster care through the state. Most of the placements had been at the mother's and grandparent request while they went through some form of substance abuse program. The parent's not wanting to lose their children in the system and we where able to bring them in to our home with out the state being involved. After the mom finished the program they entered into our home. We had the joy of training them to become Godly women and parents.

 We have been blessed with the lives of many children and sharing the gospel with them. I am grateful for that time that the Lord used us. At times it was difficult and painful. We became very attached to some of the children and mothers. Dealt with adoptions that never happened with some of the children.

Such hurt, anger and lack of trust did these children have. During this time I was caring for my ailing mother in our home with a full house that was way too small for so many people. In 2001 my mother went to be with the Lord after rejecting the Lord all of her life. The day of her departure she accepted Yeshua in her heart. The Lord showed me that He was real to her and all her fear of dying was gone. She had peace in her life for the first time. I am so grateful that Yeshua brought my mother peace in her last few hours on this earth. Be diligent in prayer for your unsaved family members. HE is faithful.

Little did we know that HE was preparing us for the biggest challenge to come. We thought we had just about seen and been in every situation with children and adults. In 2003 the Lord emptied our home and the ministry in Denver came to an end. We found our home strangely quite and HE slowed are lives down to a crawl. He was mending my heart from having had it broke in half with being too attached to a certain family- a mother and her children. I didn't think I could give that kind of love out to another as I was heart broken after 3+  years of them being a big part of our lives. I told myself that I was done with this type of ministry. I didn't want to have to endure that kind of pain again. The Lord didn't forget my heart ache and was about turn my mourning into joy once again.

Mid-2003, I received a call from my nephew who lived out of state about his daughter being put in the hospital and taken away from them. She was 10 1/2 weeks old at this time. My heart was heavy, and my soul was restless because I knew that HE wanted me to contact the state. At 9 months Bug entered our home and hearts. From the first time seeing her I knew that something was wrong with her even though they said she was a healthy infant. In May of 2005 we where finishing up the adoption of Bug. Three days before we had to appear in court to finalize the adoption we found out that I was pregnant. After 16 years of infertility my Lord and Savior opened my womb to give birth to a son and gave us a daughter from adoption.

Thus the biggest challenge of having the daily task of dealing with a child with special needs both physically and mentally. HE has put challenges in my life that I am still trying to overcome. At times, I feel that the testing through the fire is to great. Then I am reminded that HIS Word, says that " He doesn't give us challenges that He knows that we can't overcome." HE is my Comforter and Strength at all times. I just sometimes try to handle situations on own. That is my story in a nutshell.

My desire for this blog is to minister to others who have children with special needs and my journey of homeschooling. I have already been ministered too myself and touched by all the lives that come to this blog. Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement.

This blog is about our adventure in homeschooling, family, friends and everything else. Our family has been homeschooling since 2007. We like to do a lot of hands on in our school. We enjoy lapbooks and notebooking. My homeschool style tends to be eclectic. Lord willing we will have the joy of homeschooling through high school.

  I am reminded of this scripture, from Hebrews 12:1-2 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." the rest of the passage is also wonderful. 

Join me in my little part of the cyber world to laugh, cry and just enjoy this short span on life that HE has given us while we wait for the life to come to be with the Lord Jesus for all eternity. I would love to hear from you.

In HIS service,


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