03 June 2010

Storm Warning Review

Storm Warning by Billy Graham is a summary of the tribulations of the world that we live in today. Touching on terrorism, natural disasters, economic crisis, and conflicts that we see in all over the air waves today. Graham relates these storms to our Christian life. Graham points out the decline of the moral state of this world and even the moral and spiritual decline in today’s church. How these storms are a warning of the coming apocalypse, giving his insights from the book of Revelation and the four horsemen. Lots of scriptures packed in the book. This book is a revision of the original book from 1992. Our world has changed so much since 1992. I love the statement that Billy Graham makes in the introduction, "I don't even recognize the world we live in today." Graham also states, “The purpose of this book is to look into God’s word for the answers-to review the state of the world in troubled times and to examine the circumstances confronting us today in the light of the only reliable standard: the Bible.”

I have always liked Billy Graham. He doesn’t beat around the brush and is straightforward with the gospel and that we have to look at ourselves and our relationship with Jesus. Always pointed to the fact that we need a Savior to help us deal with the coming storms.

I really enjoyed this book. I didn't feel as if the writing was difficult to read and understand. I would recommend this book to new Christians and seasoned Christians alike. Billy Graham is an amazing author.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.




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