28 July 2010

Great post from another blogger

This made me laugh and smile. She nailed it right on the spot. I can relate to her at this time in my not so toddler kids! Enjoy and stop by her blog Daily Coping Skills.

Conceptual Cognates That Are False-Friends
Or: Beliefs That Must Be Outgrown With Toddlerhood To Avoid Possible Ridicule And/Or Failure
by Susan Tipton

*If your eyes are covered no one can see you.
*Everyone wants to see your new underwear.
*Dr Seuss is a cat.
*The computer printer makes drawing paper.
*Dogs are boys, cats are girls.
*The ATM gives out free money.
*Making a face and snarling is cute and flirtatious.
*Friends are made and people influenced by sweaty tic-tacs dispensed with dirty hands.

*I would  have to add for Bug is that everyone wants to see her diaper because she is 7. Hopefully she will not be so proud of it and show other kids when they inquire about it. Which much to my dismay she proudly will show others that she has a diaper on. I would like her to avoid that ridicule in the future. She is happy and could give a hoot what others think of her. Good for her, a little embarrassing for her almost 5 yr old brother!


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