29 July 2010

One tomato

Yep, like I said, "one tomato." My beautiful tomato plants and all I have been able to pick is just one ripe tomato. The birds seem to know when I plan on picking them. Never fails, the morning I go out to get some nice fresh tomato they have beak holes all over them. I caught one today sitting on the tomato cage eating the other one. It was a red cardinal that was enjoying my tomato. To think that I was worried more about caterpillars.

Yesterday, I went to the dollar store and picked up some metal wind chimes and some metal silver bells. I am going to hang the wind chimes on poles around the cages and put the bells on some garden twine and tie them on the tomato cages. I have been told that birds scare away with the reflection of the metal or anything bright and shiny and that moves and makes noises. I guess you can even hang old Cd's on string on the cages. I just threw a bunch of old ones away a month ago!

Then the best defense is a dog. My dog is getting older and doesn't enjoy the heat as much and she stays inside more now. I don't blame her it's way to hot outside this year. She does like to chase the birds away when they come on her property. Angel is a beautiful  white pure breed German Shepherd. We use to have rabbits and possums who would live under our deck and shed. They have been gone after the first summer we bought the house. At that time we had two German Shepherds.

Hopefully this will solve my bird problem. The squirrels are not brave enough to even enter the yard anymore. Even with the temptation of the garden. I am out to hang up my bells and wind chimes. Have a blessed day.


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