04 August 2010

Bird's eating my tomato's

I was able to go out yesterday morning and pick four tomato's and another one this morning! Not bad after having every one eaten for the last few weeks.

My homemade noisy makers looks like they are working. It's hard to believe that silver craft bells tied on garden twine and dollar store wind chimes tied on all the sides of my tomato cages scared the birds away.

Now, I guess I need to focus on weeding. I have one area in my garden that doesn't have much mulch and the soaker hose has a leak in that area. It is in the corner of the garden where the kids picked the cucumber and squash plants because they thought it was a weed. I haven't replanted anything over there. I have been ignoring that corner. My excuse is the heat! It has been so hot 104 and that does not include the humidity. Have a blessed evening!


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