20 August 2010

This is a special request from Little Man

Well, lets see this is what happens when mom is going through the photos to post on the blog with a four almost five year old boy sitting on my lap now. You just never know what may show up. Who can resist those blue eyes and the hugs and kisses.

Little Man's 4th birthday some 9 months back. He had a knight theme party. We topped the cake with action figures of knight in shining armour defending the kingdom from the fire breathing dragon.

No birthday party is complete with out a knight in shinning armour, oh wait we can't find the picture of him all decked out in his armour. I was just informed I will need to take a new one to add on later.

We played games of pin the sword on the shield and jousting competitions with who can keep the balloon up longer with their lance(our swords in our competition) while riding their stick horses. The winner goes onto the next brave knight or princess in this competition.
I don't know how this pictures relates to the birthday party. Here is my brave King and princess on their Greek boat defending yet another kingdom. All the while Bug is making up the adventure while looking it up in a book.
Enjoy and that is my marathon blog post for the year. At least until the knight picture shows up. May the Lord bless you and keep you.


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