16 September 2010

Apple Orchard Field trip

Bug was amazed with picking her own apples. I had to steer her clear of picking to many and pulling of the branches. In this picture we are looking at the Jonathan apples. She actually ate a whole one and she even liked the tartness of this particular apple! She always amazes me, I just never know what surprises lay in store with this child! Never a dull moment with her.

Little Man was grossed out at the "rotten apple goop" on the ground. He has a way with words.

Our fruit of our labor. Jonagold apples! Yummy! He just couldn't lift the box anymore. He was trying real hard to do it himself. The box just wouldn't bulge anymore.
Bug lost interest in the apples after she spotted my Nemesis, "Dandelions!" She has them in her hand at the front of the box.I don't think I can go anywhere with out my Bug not having a handful of dandelions. She was one happy little girl! Kinda like the icing on the cake.

The kids are learning how the apples are cleaned and the process of how to determine if the apple is going to be apple cider, apple butter or which grade of apples it will be sold as at the market. Then everyone had the pleasure of picking one out to eat. We learned about how to identify certain apples types, how they pollinate their trees, pruning and things I wouldn't of know about apples. We all had a fun time with our homeschool group.

 Bugs favorite part of the field trip was sitting on the hay while the tractor led us around the orchard and showed us the many varities of apples. This was of course before she knew the fields where full of those dreaded dandelions. Many blessing have a wonderful day.

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