24 September 2010

In Every Heartbeat by Kim Vogel Sawyer

In Every Heartbeat by Kim Vogel Sawyer
In Every Heartbeat by Kim Vogel Sawyer -this historical fiction is set in the early 1900s prior to War World I. This story is about the lives of three orphaned college students Libby, Pete, and Bennett who have been given a fully paid scholarships at the Southern Missouri University. The three of them had grown up together and became the best of friends. At college they find that their friendship is tested and changing as each one pursues their own ambitions. Pete inspires to became a minister, and Libby wants desperately to become a famous journalist in the predominate mans career where woman writers are authors of novels and not newspaper journalist. Bennett just wants to have fun and join a fraternity and feel acceptance and somewhere that he can say that he belongs. The three of them find themselves drifting apart and see how different they really are from each other outside of the orphanage.

This is a sequel to My Heart Remembers, which I have not read. It didn’t matter because the author in all the books that I have read from her have always put so much depth into her characters that you feel like you know them. She always blends in the background of each character beautifully. I will have to read the first book!

The story threw in a twist that I didn’t expect with Pete. Even after the drama unfolds it didn’t unfold the way I expected it to. You can always count on the author having a message of hope in the lives of the characters and searching for answers spiritually. They are all tested in their faith and beliefs. One character has a hard heart for following God and in the end still doesn’t except HIS peace and acceptance. The way the story ends makes me think that there may be another spin-off of these three characters. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others to read.

This book has been provided to me my by Bethany House Publisher free of charge and in no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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