26 June 2011

Carnival is in Town

The kids went to the carnival and rode very few rides. The tickets were outragous  $3.50 a ticket! Yikes, I remember them being a lot cheaper when I was younger. I loved going to the carnival when it showed up at the local strip mall when I was a kid.

 They had fun at the carnival that lasted around 20 minutes and $30.00. I know I am horrible I enjoyed watching them smile and laugh. I couldn't help thinking that every ride was $3.50 each and some even needed 2 tickets at $7.00. Does that seem wrong!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! What kind of rip-off carnival were you at?! Expensive! I would have been the mean parent, 'we're buying a funnel cake, walking around to look a bit, and then leaving.' Awful! But I'm sure they had fun.


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