28 October 2011

iPads and Children with Special Needs

Wow, an iPad has a lot of cool applications for children with special needs. I want one for Bug! One little problem~well actually a big problem~I can't afford one for Bug. I have even looked in to grants and other online resources. The problem is most of those programs are for kids that are non-verbal kids or those on the Autism spectrum. I am very glad that so many programs out there for kids on the spectrum. I have heard such wonderful stories of kids using an iPad and how it has improved their lives. Sigh....I won't mention how many contest I have entered :0). I even tried to see if I could squeeze one into my curriculum budget. That wouldn't work either. I have looked into some of the fundraisers geared for raising the funds for one. The truth is I have a hard time doing fund raisers. I hate asking others for donations. I just feel uncomfortable doing it. I can touch her frozen bugs to pin for her entomology class and yet I am a chicken to do a fund raiser!

Many schools are using iPads in the classroom for special needs. They are able to teach kids skills that many thought impossible for certain children.

Bug can't do much on paper as far as writing. She has came along way and can write her name and some days write more than normal. She tires easily with her low muscle tone, not to mention it is not very neat and can be hard to read.

Her reading has came a long way. I am so proud of her. She still has a long way to go. I look forward to the day that she picks up a book and can read it without help and for the sake of reading. She loves books and makes up her own stories with the pictures from  books. She even has some memorized. I have considered a a kindle or Nook but they are so limited and yet still pricey.

That is just a few things that I could see would be beneficial for Bug using an iPad not to mention the applications in my list. What a big benefit it would be in teaching her in our homeschool and in every day skills.

I can tell you some of the perks of  how an iPad can help kids with special needs since I have been reading up and drooling over one for the last few months.

1. Most kids with special needs are very multi-sensory in learning skills-an iPad feels that need.

2. Problem Solving Skills

3. Practice basic motor skills, coordination.

4. Reading, phonics, speech, and rhyming.

5. Communication from language disorders use expressive language or receptive language.

6. Math application

7. Behavior applications

8. Video can be used to practice social skills. Speech recognition and writing difficulties. The touch screen makes it simple for children who have dexterity problems.

I am not against the fundraisers. Just a chicken. What have you done to buy an iPad for your child if you are tight on money? It just seems outrageous with the cost of the iPad, cover, and on top of that you need to buy the apps. Yes, I realize that their are a lot of free apps. My brainstorming ideals have came to an end. Now I am asking for your ideals.


  1. HI,

  2. yeah, not sure. I have heard about the apps for special needs and I do love that idea.

    following you from the hop, would love a follow back.


  3. Sounds like a perfect fit for Bug! Hopefully, soon things will work out so she can be using one.

    I'm your newest Follower via Friday's Blog Hop :)

    I also co-host Wednesday's Block Party Hop if interested.. http://www.frugalplus.com/p/wednesdays-block-party-hop.html

    Have a Great Weekend!

    ~ Jill


  4. Hi New email subscriber from Feed Me Friday!!

    Mommy's Moments


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