29 October 2011

Week In Review-Week #10

Another week accomplished. I always try to actually get out my week in review by Friday evening. As you can tell I am not so successful in accomplishing that task. :0)

We are in Sonlight Core C week #10

Scripture memory this week Ephesians 4:32, Shema, which we do daily.

Our read-out-loud is Castle Diary and Ms. Frizzles Adventure Medieval Castle.

Monday- Little Man worked on learning the different coins while Bug was in Therapy. We have a mini coin book that I got from Enchanted Learning that I like to use for teaching money. You can find it here. It is a nice book to teach the younger ones the different coins.

Then he completed the rest of his school work. We are still reading about the coral reef still. I think we should finish up next Monday at the hospital that mini unit study for him. I am not sure what we will do next with him. He hasn't given me any ideas yet, guess I should ask him this time.

After lunch Bug completed all of her school work. We added a few different stories this week to our knight theme. The Brave Young Knight by Karen Kingsbury. Very good book that I would highly recommend.

In our Windows of the World book we did a stop in Egypt and learned about the believers and the other religions in Egypt. The kids and I learned about Garbage City on the outskirts of Cairo.Very sad. Afterwards the kids stamped their passport, located it on the map, and then prayed for Egypt.

Bug played lot of reading games with our Go Phonics. She is enjoying this reading and phonics curriculum.

Tuesday- Back to PE this week. It was a windy day! While her brother did PE Bug explored the great outdoors digging for rocks, bugs, and watched the birds in the nearby pond.

Science- we are learning about human skin and how it works. We did a few experiments this week with the skin. One that the kids liked a lot was doing our finger prints. They explored how all of them are different from one another under the magnifying glass.

We added in another book called Manners and Customs in the Middle Ages to our knight study.

We explored the believer and non-believers in the country of Chad. Worked on our passports and mapping.

Little Man is learning about place values. I will add another post on what we do with Math U See later.

Wednesday-We doubled up a lot of activities today thinking we had something to do on Thursday. It got cancelled.

Ventured into Djibouti in the city of Tadjoura. Found the small country on the map and stamped the passport.

Worked some more on our Knights lapbook and many other things.

Thursday -We got the 3 R's out of the way rather quickly. Little Man is still reading great and wanted to read a book to Daddy when he got home. He is so proud of himself reading.

In our knight theme today we learned about Guilds and made our own merchant flags.
Bugs choose a shop that makes wagon wheels and looking at the picture I would say wagons also.
Little Man is obviously an armour and weapon shop. This flag is proudly displaying on his door entering his bedroom. He even told me that the shop is closed once when I was going into his room!!!!!

Friday-We had a light day. I have been slacking on our ARtistic Pursuit and other electives. We did work on our Kansas History. Have a blessed week.


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