07 November 2011

Ramblings of a Tired Mommy

Well last week was a long week. Everyone was sick. Little Man was trowing up and had a nasty fever. Now he is getting over a cold. Bug has a cold and last week a fever. Mom was and is still suffering from a cold and a fever one day. Daddy has been spared all the sickness.

My house looks like a tornado went through it. Actually, I can use the excuse of an earthquake now. Did you hear that Kansas had an earthquake 5.6 magnitude! How strange is that. I expect tornado's here just not the ground rumbling. I thought it was the wind blowing at first-a large gust at that. We were in our basement as it was around 10 o'clock in the night and the kids sound asleep. I thought basements were safe in Kansas! My beloved was more observant of it because his water bottle and everything on the desk moved. I was even behind him as we were looking on the computer at something together. I just heard the noisy of it and felt some swaying. Thought maybe I was being clumsy. We had the news on in the family room and heard earthquake! Wow, in Kansas! No way! Oh, I forgot I was talking about the state of my house. It's messy. Dishes piled up, clean laundry piled in baskets, busy weekend and the list goes on. I am not usually that bad. It will have to wait-because we will start back to school today and it's another busy week coming up.

I have several post I had planned on doing but it is going to be up when I get a moment or two between cleaning. Have a blessed week.


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