08 November 2011

My First Afghan

What do you think? It's bright and colorful. It is my first attempt at crocheting. Our Messianic Rabbi's wife taught me how to do it. Not my first choice in colors but, it was the color I had around for crafts. I wasn't even sure that I would like crocheting when she first suggested I learn. I love it. It is kinda relaxing and considering all the time we spend at Dr. office and the hospital and just waiting around at different activities. It has kept my hands busy and just plain old relaxing. I don't have to much time at home so I am usually doing it when I am waiting.

Little man loves it and declares," that when he cuddles with the blanket it's my mommy giving me a hug!" How sweet is that! I guess I won't balk to much at the color with those loving words. I added in the green for him. He picked out the green and that he thought was pretty neat. Since it is his favorite color. I am now working on Bugs afghan-pink and purple. It is pretty gorgeous if I say so myself. 

Many blessing and have a blessed day!


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