15 November 2011

Reclaiming Lily by Patti Lacy

I was excited to read this book having an adoptive child with a rare genetic condition. Not a usually theme among writers.

Adoptive parents, Rev. Andrew and Gloria Powell have longed for a child. Travel across the world to find a baby in China. What they find instead of an infant is a 10 year old girl whom is to become their Joy. Gloria Powell is convinced that God placed them in Lilly's path and the couple returns home to Texas with the girl and rename her Joy.
Seven years later Joy is an intelligent young girl who has become a rebellious teenager. Culture differences clash in her world. She feels alone and different from her peers.

Powell have their world shattered when out of nowhere a physician contacts them about their daughter, Joy. Dr. Kai Chang, has information about a rare inherited disorder, PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) that may be affecting their seventeen year old adopted daughter. What makes this news more concerning is that Dr. Chang's is Joy’s birth sister.

Dr. Chang as more interested in Joy than just her well-being, Dr. Chang is also determined to keep her promise to her dying mother to find and "reclaim Lily". 

My thoughts on this book. At first I had a hard time following the story with Dr. Chang. It just seemed unnatural the way she told her story of the Revolution in China in her sing song narrative. It grated on my nerves after awhile. With her being a top notched physician. It seemed a bit dramatic. I had a hard time reading the book.

After the tornado hit the tone in the story changed and I was able to enjoy it a bit more. The characters seemed more real and you could start to connect to them.

While I could appreciate the intention behind the book of foreign adoption and a rare genetic condition. I could have easily put down the book midway. Overall the book was okay it just didn’t grab my heart enough to love the story. Their truly were some heart felt moments in the book of seeing God’s redemption. Seeing the lives touched and changed by God. The story surprised me at the end. Which was a plus for this book.

This book has been provided to me my by Bethany House Publisher free of charge and in no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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