29 June 2012

Graduation Awards

At the end of the school year we like to have a celebration for the kids. We give them certificates stating that they have officially completed the last grade level. My kids like the ribbons also which we present with the certificate. Which is kind of funny because I started the ribbon for Little Man before he was considered a grade in school just to give him an award. Both kids love the ribbons so much that it is now became part of the certificate ceremony tradition!

Boy was I really late in the year getting them to the kids. The kids got a little worried that maybe they are stuck in the same grade again!

 Daddy gets the honor of presenting the award to the kids.
 Bug proudly showing of her certificate. It's official she is now in 4th grade! Her certificate had honey bees on it! Which she was super excited about.
Little Man wanted to help Daddy read his.
 He is super excited to proclaim he is started 1st grade!
 The official Daddy and kids certificate award pictures.
The official Mommy and kids certificate award pictures.

Bug and Little Man we are so proud of you for another great year. You guys work so hard and I am honored not only to be your Mommy but your teacher. I am blessed beyond measure. 

1 comment:

  1. How great is that? Teacher and Mom and Dad with the certificate. Congratulations on the success for all of your family.


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