31 August 2012

Week in Review-Week # 1- 2012-2013

Our first week after a long summer. We had a good week for the start of the school year. We had a lighter week due to me recovering from my surgery and bout with West Nile. 
We are in Sonlight Core D week #1 
Scripture Memory this week: 
We are doing a quick review of some of the scriptures we learned last school year at the request of Little Man. 


This week we are in the book of Genesis chapters 1-6 up to verse 22.


We are reading, Walk the World's Rim" by Betty Baker. So far the kids are not quite sure how much they like this book. I think it is starting to move a little faster now that it has developed the characters and the plot. 

For our poetry, "A Child's Introduction To Poetry" by Michael Driscoll.
Physical Education
We have put PE on hold this semester so we can catch our breath after so much busyness. It feels a little odd not going every Tuesday after doing it for 5 years!
Little Man had Karate this week and received a certificate for completing the first part of the class. Dad takes him to class twice a week. The sad news is that the instructor is having to close down his business this week. He applied at another location and will let us know if he gets the job. I would love for Little Man to have the same instructor as he is a believer.

Therapy and Appointments
Bug had no therapy this week. She had several Dr. appointments. We didn't do school Tuesday as we had 3 appointments and Bug's eyes dilated. 
Obviously one of her appointments was for her eyes. We are going to get another opinion on her eyes at the request of Bug's current Doctor. The office is located 2 hours out of town. It will probably be in a few months due to insurance. We are also working on getting a strong magnifier to help her with reading. At least that is what we are hoping it will do. Not cheap either!  .
Bug went to her dietitian this week. Which as always is frustrating on my end as she doesn't eat anything. The dietitian is thankfully very nice.

Last but not least we have a new stroller for Bug. I will tell you more about it in another post.
American Indian Prayer Guide

This week we have been reading about the Maya culture and praying about the Maya's to come and know Yeshua (Jesus) as their Savior.

History & Geography

The kids this week learned about the Bering Strait from the,"Story of the USA". They learned how different groups of Natives live depending on what part of the country they settled in.

Little Man started his Life Pac History and Geography grade 1. He loves this and has even done it a few times outside of school hours this week. 

Bug is finishing up some of her Life Pac from last year.

We stamped our passports and located the states and Mexico on the map.

Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies

Little Man is still loving the Horizon Phonics and Reading. He loves the readers that come with it also. We are doing First Language Lessons with him also. 

He is also doing Bob Jones for his handwriting and likes it a lot.  Funny how different the kids are-Bug would of hated this much textbook work. Which I would be like Bug and wouldn't of liked this much busyness! He loves the workbooks so who am I to complain as long as he is learning and enjoys it. 

Bug is starting to learn Cursive this week. Such a hard task for her but, she wants to learn it for now. She is also trying to finish up Bob Jones Grammar and English from last year. Keep in mind that I really have to keep the writing at a minimal with her. We will be done in two weeks with this. 

Both kids did reviews on their phonemes and All About Spelling this week .

For Math Bug started multiplication with Math U See Gamma. I pray she can remember her facts on these.
Little Man started RightStart Math and so far loves it.  

The kids are doing well in Hebrew and mom gets to practice her Hebrew while teaching them!

We started The ABC"S of Handling Money God's Way.

We are doing Real Science 4 Kids Biology 1. The kids aren't very impressed with this science as of yet! It might be over both of their heads. 

The good news is that they are loving Insects by Memoria Press.

Have a blessed weekend.


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