29 August 2012

Little Man's Mikveh

Little Man was immersed awhile back. He wanted to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection with his Messiah Yeshua. He went into the Mikveh on August 17th. He talked about wanting to be immersed quit awhile back. The day finally came. Our Rabbi recorded him giving his testimony of how he excepted Yeshua in his heart.

Which I love his conversion testimony. It brings tears to my eyes. He was very angry one day with me and stormed into his room. A while later he came out to me with a tear stained face and tears still in his blue eyes. He said. "Mom I am sorry for getting so angry at you. Do you forgive me." During the course of the conversion he," informed me that he cried out to the Lord and asked him to come and live in his heart." "He explained to me how he believes that Yeshua died for his sins and that he knows he rose again." It was the most wonderful day to see  my son except and explain God's plan of salvation to me.
 Dad got the joy of helping him with his immersion.
 What a joy for any parent to watch their child declare his belief.
 Since I had surgery and then the West Nile I didn't order him a cake. If you remember Bug had a nice ladybug cake. He understood and he got to choose something. Much to my surprise he requested a plain cake with icing that he could decorate himself.
He had a blast decorating and sharing his cake. We even let him have a piece for his breakfast the next morning! He was surprised we said, "Yes, but just this one time."

1 comment:

  1. Mazel tov to your son! What a blessing to hear his testimony too! Thanks for sharing :-)
    Blessings in Yah!
    Lusi :-)


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