29 September 2012

Week in Review-Week #4 & 5-2012-2013

The last two weeks we completed Sonlight Core D week #4 and week #5

We have been so busy that I am going to go about my week in review different. Lots of pictures.

We have been celebrating the Fall Feast of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Coming up is Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret. What a refreshing time with all the busyness.   

Bug has a new horse for therapy, her name is Lily. I will get a picture of her next week.

Little Man started back in karate again and is very glad to get back into it again.
 Little Man lost his first tooth!
 We made constellation viewers after we read, "Follow the Drinking Gourd"
 I will show you more about them when time permits.
 We learned about the Peace Treaty with Massasoit
 We made bows and arrows out of craft sticks.
 We made a quiver to hold the arrows.

 Q-tips make great arrows, especially when your son shoots them at you!
The kids had some serious silliness going on-all day.
 We measured and learned lots about volume and did I mention messes.
 Colored water! How much funnier can we get! Pink, purple, teal, red, orange,blue, and yellow.
 Bug finding out how many pints it takes to fill up a quart.

 Then I set them lose to explore volume with out mom leading them.
 Did they ever explore.

 Then the mess. This is just the table. The floor is sticky and wet. The kids are soaked from head to toe in colored water. That's okay it all cleans up-even the kids.

 Bug's side is the one on the right. She had a hard time holding the larger containers while pouring, Can you tell her side is purple and pink! So much fun and another 2 weeks of school completed.



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