04 February 2019

Better Together Life Is Best with a Friend Like You by Warren Photographic Book Review

Wouldn't life be boring if we were all exactly the same? And although each of us is unique, we're really not so different after all. And it's our differences that truly make us Better Together.

Better Together combines adorable photos of unlikely animal pairs alongside poignant quotes on topics for friends of all stripes on subjects such as love, respect, and compassion. Memorable, wise words alongside sweet photography beautifully and humorously communicate the truth about and magic of friendship—that although we may not be exactly the same, we're really not so different after all.

Quotes from George Washington to Bono focus on friendship, unity, strength, and on harmony between people with diverse viewpoints, lifestyles, or beliefs and include inspiring quotes such as: 

  • "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln
  • "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" -C. S. Lewis
  • "'Stay' is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary." -Louisa May Alcott
  •  "I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than walk alone in the light." -Helen Keller

Better Together is full of reminders of the very best things about friendship and is the perfect way to tell someone you love: "Life is best with a friend like you."

My Thoughts:

I don’t know about you but animals just make me smile. This book did exactly that, I was grinning from ear to ear with the adorable pictures and the inspiring quotes.

The authors are a mother and son team that have been featured in many published books, calendars, cards, and other publications. What I found unique is that many of the animals featured have been introduced at an early age to one another as they have been born and raised in their studio. 

The book features many animals from kittens, puppies, rabbits, turtles, guinea pigs, squirrels, and many other animals. There is sure to be a picture for everyone that will grab your heart and make you smile.

This is a picture book broken up in seven sections:


Unity & Togetherness

Love & Compassion


Peace & Harmony


Triumph & Strength

Each section is focused on a quote around the theme of the chapter along with the photo to go along with it.

There are quotes from Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Mother Theresa, Billy Graham, Winston Churchill, book of Proverbs, and several other well know individuals.

This is a fun gift book for a friend or even an older kid.  The photos are high quality and this is just an inspiring little book.

 I received a free copy of this product from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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