06 February 2019

Seasons of an Amish Garden by Amy Clipston Book Review

Enjoy a year of beautiful seasons in this new story collection, as young Amish couples manage a community garden and harvest friendships and love along the way.
Spring Is in the Air

As the young people of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, plant a garden in memory of their friend, Katie Ann begins to worry that her older brother, Ephraim, is dating her best friend. What if she somehow loses them both? But Christian, a new boy in the community, also works in the garden—and falling for him may be exactly the distraction, and lesson, that Katie Ann needs.

Home by Summer

Clara Hertzler is surprised when Jerry Petersheim, her old friend, comes to the garden to drop off his younger sister—especially because Jerry has been gone for years, and now seems to be living as an Englisher. As the friends get to know each other again, Clara pushes Jerry to examine why he abandoned his Amish beliefs. Will Clara help Jerry renew his faith in God, and will they find love beneath the summer sun?

The Fruits of Fall

Tena Speicher has come to live in Bird-in-Hand after her fiancé left her for an English woman. When a homeless veteran comes to the fruit stand one day and asks for food, Tena is not sure how to respond—but Wayne intervenes and offers to let him stay in the barn. Afraid to trust Englishers, Tena must learn, with Wayne’s help,  that everyone is a child of God and deserving of kindness.

Winter Blessings

Ephraim and Mandy have dated for some time and now have plans to marry. But after a series of unexpected events and misunderstandings, they wonder if they should go their separate ways. What will happen when their friends at the Amish garden conspire to bring them back together?

My Thoughts:

The community garden is full of activity during all seasons. Seasons of an Amish Garden by Amy Clipston contains four heartwarming Amish stories. 

The four stories: Spring is in the Air, Home by Summer, The Fruits of Fall and Winter Blessings.

This was unique as all the stories revolve around the same setting and experience some of the same events going on around the community garden. Each story is unique as each one follows individual’s stories from their perspective. I don’t ever recall reading a book like this before.

I loved all the characters as they are working to help the homeless with an elderly lady. All of them are forming friendships and experiencing trials as they weave their way through the problems. Most of all they all have faith in God. I would recommend this book for everyone. 

If I had to pick my favorite story I would have to say that I don’t know. They all had different things and situations that spoke to my heart. 

I love that the stories are centered around faith, friendship and lessons to be learned all while trusting in God.

I received a free copy of this product from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulation.


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