06 March 2020

A Little Irish Love Story by Amy Fleming Book Review

Set in post WWII Ireland, this retelling of the Biblical story of Ruth is an incredible love story . . . with a twist.

Elderly Sarah returns to her hometown of Adare, Ireland with her daughter-in-law, Anna. The suffering that World War II brought them was unimaginable, but they still have each other. With all their loved ones killed in the war, the two women have nothing but a hope that one distant relative will help them. Will this new beginning bring the healing that both of them have prayed for? With the Biblical love story of Ruth weaved into the novel, incredible moments of passionate faith are gleaned from the pages. Unforgettable, human characters bring humor and sweetness to the sweeping Irish backdrop.

With heart-pounding suspense, romance, and mystery tied up in one, A Little Irish Love Story details the life of a heroic young woman and the love of her life. With a turn in the novel that the reader never suspects, Anna finds the truth about her life—that she is loved beyond what she could have ever imagined.

My Thoughts:

This was an intriguing story that started out with a fast pace jumble of events. Then it slows down with you trying to piece together the characters and the events. Just when you think you know how the story is going to play out the pace picks up and it changes. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book and not sure if I would like it. Actually I found that I did like it despite a few quirks here and there in the story. You get investing into the chaos of the characters.

This is a Christian base story set in WWII Ireland. The story has a bit of romance, suspense, and danger. Anna lost her husband in the war; they were only married for a short time. The story has a modern Ruth weaving through it. She has a close bond with her mother-in-law Sarah. Anna moves back to Ireland with her mother in law afterwards.  Anna gets a job to help support herself and her mother in law cleaning house for Henry. That is the extent of the Ruth tie.

The story plot and its characters are detailed. The main characters are Anna and Henry both are likable characters and have a lot of depth to them. Henry admires Anna’s hard working ethics and she is attractive. They get to know one another as friends. Everything looks good for them.

Then suddenly the story changes locations when Anna finds herself stranded on an island with some amnesia. She is rescued by another man who claims he is her husband. Like I said there is a lot of plot twist.  This part I found hard to focus at times but at the same time the story was intriguing. Overall a fast read.

This has been one of the most unique stories I have read in a long time.

 I received a free copy of this product from JustRead Tours in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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