02 December 2010

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah! Yea, I know Hanukkah began last night at sunset. It has been forever since I posted! This year we have been doing lots of crafts to decorate the house for Hanukkah. We pulled out our favorite Hanukkah books and checked out some new ones at the library this year.

Last night we lit the first candle on the hanukkiyah for the first night of Hanukkah. and talked about the “Feast of Lights” (Hanukkah). We read scriptures about Yeshua (Jesus) being the Light of the world. John 12:46, Psalms 119:105 and other scriptures.

The hanukkiyah is a special nine-branch menorah, eight candles represent the eight days of Hanukkah. The ninth candle, used to light the other candles, is set above the other eight candles and is called the shammash or “servant candle”.

The servant candle or shammash reminds us that Yeshua (Jesus) came as a servant, and should be our example. Matthew 20:26,28. We love teaching the kids about how we should follow Yeshua (Jesus) example and serve others as HE did.

We played a game of dreidel and will play it throughout the next couple of days. We like to use M&M’s and chocolate gelt. We also pull out our piggy banks and the winnings of the game we will use as an offering to the church. The kids love putting their hard earned money into the tithe box. It is a tradition to give money during this season to those in need and the kids will do some other types of giving.

We also sing our favorite Hanukkah song:

I have a little dreidel

I made it out of clay

And when it's dry and ready

Then dreidel I shall play


Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel

I made it out of clay

And when it's dry and ready

Then dreidel I shall play

It has a lovely body

With legs so short and thin

And when it is so tired

It drops and then I win!


My dreidel's always playful

It loves to dance and spin

A happy game of dreidel

Come play now, let's begin!


Have a blessed day and may Yeshua be your light and comfort during this season.


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