18 January 2011

Bugs Video EEG

It has been a long tiring week. It has also been a long time since I have even looked at my blog or even been on the Internet! I think I would rather at this point crawl in bed and sleep for a week.

Bug and I checked ourselves in Monday morning at the hospital. I was told the average stay was 3 days. I was expecting to be home by Wednesday. Well that didn't happen we ended up there until late Friday afternoon. I am happy to be home.

Bug did really good being stuck in one room the whole week and hooked up to all those wires. Not to mention all the purple glue holding them on her head. I even got all the glue out after much drama. 

We watched more movies than I would of liked to. I am Disneyed and cartooned out to the max. Played Junior Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, Dora's ABC game, Alef Bet Memory game and Trouble till I was stir crazy. We played lots of Barbies and farm animals. It was a good Mom and daughter time overall. I think I had the most trouble being in one room. I had to go for walks a few time just to get a sanity break from the four walls. I think, no I know I gained some weight. I drank so much pop. I had to be alert to press a button when she was having a spell. I was bored and I could only handle so much water after the second day.

Bug was the entertainment on the fifth floor. All the nurses and Video Techs loved her. The gave her gifts of stuffed animal from their home. Brought in special thing for her to play with. She won many hearts during our five days in there. She just has that effect on adults. She amazes me at how others just fall for this little girl.

She got ugly at times. She would make faces at the video camera that was on us 24/7. She even found all the hiding places out of view from the Techs. and nurses when she was not so happy. ( I think she just wanted them to come in and visit her or get them on the intercom) We even had to sleep with a bathroom light on so the camera could see her face at all times. We also stay up every night until 1:30 and sometimes 3:30 and waking up at 8 AM so she would be sleep deprived. I think I am more sleep deprived than she is!

W have to wait a month for the results to see if any seizures are present. I am glad it is over and so glad to be sleeping in my own bed with no bright lights and no one coming in during the night to take vitals. Little Man was exicited for us to be back home. He learned how to us the phone which I guess I didn't know he lacked that skill since he was taught how to call 911. He called mommy often. Have a blessed day and I am off to get more sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the follow. I am now following you too! :)

    Have a great day!


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