19 January 2011

My New Grab Button

I Finally figured out how to make my own button. After several failed attempts, I finally stumbled on this blog and the tutorial worked. Go over to Manic Mother if you want to learn how to do one for your blog.


So Grab My Button


  1. Thanks for the tip! Someone gifted me by making my buttons, but I have wondered how to do it for my daughters blog. We have also tried with many failed attempts. Thanks for stopping by my blog "Look Who's Cookin"! I came to check out your blog, I have actually been really busy since school started(I homeschool too)and have less time to blog and check out others blogs, but I try to sneak some time in here and there. Thanks again!!

  2. I would love to trade buttons. I've grabbed your button already. Would that be a possibility? I have a homeschool blog as well!

    P.S. I had to edit your code for placing the button on my blog. You need to change the 'alt' to 'src' and that should do it (no quotes around those.)


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