15 February 2011

God Gave Us the World by Lisa Tawn Bergren

God Gave Us the World by Lisa Tawn Bergren

What a delightful children’s book. This was the first book I have read in this series. It won’t be the last.

Little Bear and his family take a trip to the museum to see a special exhibit.” Bears Around the World”. Little Bear is full of questions about the life of other bears who don’t live at the North Pole.

Mama Bear explains that God the Creator made all kinds of bears around the world who look different and do things different. Little Bear wants to understand why, ‘God just didn’t make us all polar bears who live in at the North Pole?” Mama Bear explains, “that He is capable of anything so why would he make us all polar bears when every Bear has a special place in God’s great, big world.” He created us here to serve, worship Him. He gave us this amazing world.

This book is a great tool to explain to your children how God created us all in His Image. It doesn’t matter the color of your fur, what you eat, where you live and even your personality. My children loved this book and I was delighted to add this to my collection of books to be read over and over.

Disclaimer: I provided an advanced reader copy of this book from Waterbrook for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.

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