24 March 2011

The Imagination Station: Attack of the Arena

Beth and Patrick are about ready to embark on another adventure to help save Albert from Lord Darkthorn.

This is book two in this series. The story begins shortly after they return from Greenland in the, “Voyage with the Vikings” Next stop will be Rome. Beth and Patrick must find a silver chalice belonging to the monks and bring it back to Whit’s End.

Patrick is dressed as a monk and Beth as a slave girl with a bag of bird seeds tied to her garment. You will have to read the book to figure out why she needs the bird seed. Even Beth is not sure what they are for. Mr. Whittaker assures her she will know in time.

Off they go to Rome and straight into the arena with one hungry tiger. Barely escaping with there lives into the city they run into some Roman soldiers who mistake her as a runaway slave and take Beth back to her rightful owner.

Patrick and Beth find themselves separated from one another. They both have different missions to accomplish before they meet again. Patrick finds the chalice and loses it as fast as he finds it.

The cousins find each other again in the same place they began this amazing journey, in the famous Roman arena. Yet, one of them has been forced to participate in the opening games. Can they survive and get back safely to Whit’s End with the silver Chalice. Suddenly a knight appears out of the Imagination Station in full armor.

This is a great book for the kids. The print is large and the adventure is intriguing.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. In no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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