29 August 2011

Bungee Jumping

That's my fearless Bug. At first she was afraid when they first strapped her in and if she was afraid during I wouldn't of known. She refused to take off her glasses. She wasn't quite ready to do flips this time. This is inside the mall. I guess it has been along time since I have been to the mall. They had bungee jumping, ice skating, and a train.
Up and up and away. Another no emotions or even any smiling! She had fun you just couldn't tell by her face. I guess the emotions are too strong so she shuts down.
Little Man choose to play it safe---on the train. He was not happy with his sister going on the bungee jump. He was worried she would fall, or that they didn't strap her in good enough. He is such a good brother. Always looking after his big sister.


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