26 August 2011

Week in Review-Week #2

Our second week has been a rather short week as we have really only done 3 days this week. The good news is that Little Man has informed me that I am still learning so I am officially still in school. When I asked him, "what grade am I in?" My reply was, "Mmmm, well mom what grade do older people start school in?" Since we couldn't come up with a logical answer it is decided that I am in Kindergarten/3rd grade since that is what I am teaching and learning!!!! Don't you love it?

Our scripture Memory verse this week is John 3:16.

Sonlight Core C, Week 2
Monday Bug had her therapy and Little Man completed his school at the hospital's. Yes, we go to two different hospitals every week. He wasn't all that happy about it. I think he was a little emotional since he had no one to play with afterwards. He was really missing Princess5. Her absent is a hole in his little heart.

Little Man does his math, phonics, and reading at the hospital. He is also learning about the Coral Reef when we are at the hospital. He has been asking lots of questions about the ocean these last two weeks. The hospital has always been a good place to supplement his interest.

After lunch we went downstairs to the classroom to complete school. As you seen in an earlier post we did the Illumination Manuscript. We did lots of map work and our passports. (I will show you later on) It was Little Man's first year to do his own passport and he was excited about it. We are reading Red Sails to Capri for our read out loud. It has been an enjoyabe one so far. I was not so sure when we started it last week.

Tuesday- We had PE and the kids had fun playing soccer. It was such a beautiful day no one wanted to do school and that includes me. We had no choice since, I knew it was going to be a short week.

Bug has made leaps and bounds with her reading. I am so proud of her. We are also almost done with last years Language Arts. She did a test today in Language Arts and did very good. Two more chapters to go. Ya!

Little Man is doing good also. Still struggling with those vowel sounds.

We learned about the Book of Kells and just colored this page. This site also has some pictures to color for Illumination Manuscripts. Very cool site to bookmark as it is loaded with coloring sheets of ancient times.  Of course we did the three r's. We learned about Mozart and listened to Mozart's Magic Fantasy: A Journey Through 'The Magic Flute'  The kids enjoyed it. I wasn't to sure if they would like it.

Wendseday we had an early Doctor's appointment for Bug. We were able to pull off  a full day and we kinda doubled up on a few things. We also had our first art project.  We are using Artistic Pursuits Grades K-3 Book 2 Stories of Artists and Their Art which I love. We decided that it would be fun to draw and paint a sunflowers and tried to make them reliastic. We pulled out our drawing books and followed it step by step to get these results:
Bug's sunflower
Little Man's sunflower
Mom's sunflower. Little Man insisted that I take a picture of mine also and post it. Sorry. According to him," I am still in school and belong to Ha Melech Yeladem's Academy!" Bug wants to hang mine up in her room. I think I will buy a frame for her's and mine and put them up in her room. Since she likes sunflowers.

Thrusday we have another Dr. appointment for Bug and a play date with a friend that we have had a hard time planning around busy schedules. No school today.

Friday-yet another appointment for Bug and a play date with a friend who lives out of town. No school today. Have a blessed weekend. May the Lord bless you and keep you.


  1. OH Those are Great.
    Yes ! I only wished I could of found Jacob some pants, ooof he is a bean pole what i find fit him in waist is too short :(

  2. Hi there!

    I am so glad I stumbled onto your blog. We are doing the same core of Sonlight this year and are also incorporating HOTA. We found a delightful little movie that went perfectly with the Book of Kells study. The movie specifically revolves around the Chi Ro page and it is almost like it was made to go with tis curriculum! LOL Here is the link to the site of the movie so you can check it out and I believe it even has a link for viewing on demand.

    I look forward to following what your family is doing with the core this year, thanks for sharing with us!


  3. The sunflowers are great. Everyone did a wonderful job onthem.


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