10 November 2011

The World of Science Book Review

The World of Science Book Review

We are crazy about anything science in our home. I was excited to get a chance to review this book. This encyclopedia is jammed packed with information for those curious minds. I love that this encyclopedia also begins with quoting God’s Word from Genesis 1:1.

The book is divided into seven different sections: Matter and Chemicals, Energy, Motion and Machines, Electricity and Magnetism, Light and Sound, Earth and Science, Space and Time, and even Science Experiments.

You can explore God’s creation from the furthest star in the universe to the smallest atom under our feet. There is over 800 illustrations and photographs. Over 60 different science experiments.
I am already thinking how to utilize this book into our homeschool. It is truly a  wonderful source of information for Christian homeschool or for a Christian library. I could easily use the information and experiments for a science fair projects.

I  am going to repeat a statement from my review from, The World of Animals. “This encyclopedia can hold its own weight when you compare it to other similar encyclopedia’s. I would highly recommend this encyclopedia for any Christian library. This is a Christian homeschool must have in my opinion.” You could use this book as a textbook, unit study and  even as a general reference book.”

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.


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