03 May 2018

CodeWizardsHQ Review

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Do you have a kid who is interested in learning how to code? If you’re like me you know nothing about this technology. If I would try to teach my son coding it would end in a disaster. When I was in school we didn’t have computer labs. I’m thrilled to share with you a coding class my 12 year old son recently participated in from CodeWizardsHQ.
CodeWizardsHQ is unique as they offer live homeschool computer programs. (The classes aren’t just for homeschoolers) The best part is that the instructors do all the teaching for you. The homeschool computer curriculum is a full comprehensive program that prepares your student for college and well into the future if they are planning a career in computer technology. The classes are intended for 5th to 10th grade. If your student already knows coding they can move ahead by taking a placement test.

Live, Online Coding Program for Kids

 The programs are 12 week classes, one hour live classes. There are no CDs or online self-paced classes. The best learning is when you can talk to a real person immediately when you have a question. The classes are kept small for optimum learning potential. CodeWizardsHQ has several classes from JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS, and more.
Other than a computer you will need internet service, microphone, headset with a microphone, or access to a phone to call into the classes.  If you have a shy student you have the option to type in a chat box for questions. Logging in was extremely easy. We had to download a program to get into the class. All the information was provided prior to our class check in. This gave us plenty of time to do a test to make sure our microphone and speakers are working on our end prior to the class. I like the ability of being able to do the classes at home.
Our class experience
My son participated in the class. We had a one hour introduction condensed class to give us an overview of what the classes entail. The class was focused on HTML coding. My son’s mission was to create a comic strip. We had 7 other students from the Homeschool Review Crew present during the class along with all the moms.

 The instructor was extremely helpful and patient with all questions. He explained what HTML is. He also talked about how when you change the coding in a program its first on the server then it goes onto the internet in how you coded the HTML. Also he explained what the different lines meant and what you are coding. The students got immediate results once they put in their code. For the comic strip they changed the background color, the characters, and the text inside the speech bubble. They got to customize everything to their liking. 

 The instructor also showed them how to pull imagines off the internet and how to save them. Afterwards he showed them how to put the images into their comic strip. He explained to them that they needed transparent background of the image to work the best with this format.  The goal was to complete nine or more boxes for the comic strip.
If you got stuck or if your comic strip frame didn’t come out correctly for some reason the instructor had the ability to pull up your code platform and show you what you needed to change to fix it.
The end of the class ended with the students sharing their story. Either the student or the instructor read the story from the comic strip if they wanted to share it.

Below is the comic strip that my son created during class.

CodeWizardsHQ has a homeschool offer that decreases the cost of the classes based of the number of students in the class. You have the flexibility to work on a schedule that works for you. This would be a neat class to add to a co-op or getting a bunch of friends together for a class.

Wow, is all I can say. This was an amazing class. We just had a condensed introduction class. I’m sure the regular classes are phenomenal. My son was really impressed with the class. He has some coding experience and he felt that he could really learn a lot with doing the full courses. Honestly, I even learned a lot just watching my son.

Other reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew took the class so drop by and see what they think.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codewizardshq and here is the Facebook group for parents who are interested in coding for their children https://www.facebook.com/groups/KidsCodingHQ/  (Please mention this group in your review)



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