14 February 2019

Israel and Signs

I was fascinated by all the signs in Israel. Here are just a few of them. Some of them just seem odd as Americans.

I haven't figured out if its the camels or the firing zone on both sides you need to watch out for more!

Tank Crossing and Dust Clouds! 

The Lowest place on earth! Wow!

Not your typical swimming instructions.

Don't jump over the fence here.

Nor do you want to jump the fence here either.
 Not so odd!
 I don't think I've seen a sign for older people in American. Have you?
 I just like these directional signs. My heart was ready to get to Jerusalem!
 Maybe not so odd of a sign. I don't know why I took the picture!

Just remember to not order a cheese burger or a shake at a Kosher McDonald.

What do you think? I'm sure many places think we have odd signs in our country.


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