25 April 2023

Amazing Insects Around the World by DGPH Studio Book Review

 Step into the incredible lives of insects in this dynamic book that shows that no creature is too small to be amazing.

The fabulous diversity of the tiny animal kingdom is on full display in this beautifully designed book featuring some of the most interesting insects on earth. See how amazing insects truly are! They can be as small as a grain of sand, or bigger than the palm of your hand. Some fly miles to find the right mate and others lie still for years underground.

A unique design and limited color palette evoke a hand-printed book that highlights the compelling and kid-friendly information, including habits, habitats, maps, and a glossary, in these truly one-of-a-kind books.

My Thoughts:

This is a beautiful hardcover book with an old-looking charm. The colors are muted but also have a splash of color with some of the insects.

I have spent many years learning about insects from my Autistic daughter and know more about insects than I’d like to ever admit. Amazing Insects Around the World is an idea book for any kid wanting to learn more about insects. It’s well-rounded with information for the intended age of 7 through 10.

It goes into several insect orders to introduce you to some of the scientific facts about insects. The first chapter talks about insects around the world. It goes on to explain what an insect is and explaining the biology of them. It also goes over insect development of different insects. It even talks about the difference between insects and bugs.

Different insects are talked about and their specific features like different types of bees, caterpillars, butterflies, moths, scorpionfly, and other beetles.

As a homeschool mom, this would have been a great resource to add into a unit study about insects. It would also be a lovely gift for someone who wants to learn more about insects. It has enough information to learn about insects and enough to create more interest in learning about certain insect orders and families.

 I Disclosure: I received this complimentary product in exchange for my honest thoughts



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