13 April 2015

TOS Crew Review: New American Cursive: Penmanship Program Workbook 1

Memoria Press is known for all its great Classical Curriculum it offers and they cover every subject. For the last few weeks I have been doing a much needed review on a particular subject with my son. Handwriting and reviewing cursive! Memoria Press sent me the New American Cursive: Penmanship Program Workbook 1($22.95).
New American Cursive: Penmanship Program Workbook 1 is the student workbook and is intended for grade 1+ or remediate older students. The workbook is in a metal comb that lets the workbook lays flat (my favorite.)It can be used by either left or right handed writers easily.
I have a tendency to always look at the space provided to write in. I was pleased to see that it was ample enough space to write in.

The workbook has 115 pages. Included in the workbook are the Teaching Guide, Pencil Holding Position, Correct Paper Placement, and some of the basic forms to get started on those strokes. Each letter of the alphabet has a page by itself. Then after every 3rd letter there is a review of those 3 letters that have been taught on the same lesson. Numbers are also gone over on one page along with connecting all those letters into words. Towards the end of the book you have some copywork lessons to do.

There are three main parts to New American Cursive:
Instruction- this is teaching how to form the letters
Practice- this is tracing and then writing the letters freehanded.
Play- This has some free space for the student to draw art or to practice those new letters.

Also in the Teachers Guide you have many tips on size, slant, and spacing. Along with testing/scoring information if you choose to evaluate your child’s handwriting.
New American Cursive: Penmanship Program Workbook 1 is a perfect introduction to cursive or for reviewing. In my case my son learned a different cursive and quite frankly he hated it and well let’s just say that I needed to try something different and needed to do a remediate of cursive with him. Yikes, I was a little nervous teaching him a new style of cursive at first.

New American Cursive is a simplified cursive that can be used to learn cursive first rather than manuscript. New American Cursive eliminates unneeded strokes. In my case it was perfect timing for this review as I needed something to make my 9 year old son like handwriting and to make it more legible to read. Maybe, it’s a boy thing with handwriting at his age.

According to Memoria Press New American Cursive have 26 less strokes than other handwriting programs. (This fact impressed my reluctant cursive writer).

When I first told my son he was going to start over learning cursive he wasn’t a happy camper and we had some tears. Luckily, the tears were short lived and I was able to get him to look over the workbook. He liked the way the letters looked and thought they looked easier to write. 

We basically did two lesson a day-three times a week. He didn't complain or I didn't have to remind him to do his handwriting. As you can imagine that made this mamma quite happy.

My final thoughts:

I would have to say that this is truly a simplified cursive that still looks eloquent like cursive should. It’s quite simple to form the letters and pleasing to read the cursive.

My son’s cursive looks much better and I think the New American Cursive was more of his style. I was pleased with the results. There are other levels also for New American Cursives. Which I plan on buying one at the convention for both my son and I think it would also be a good fit for my 12 year old daughter with special needs.

Don’t just take my word for it. Stop by and see what others on the TOS Crew are saying about New American Cursive: Penmanship Program Workbook 1 and other programs from Memoria Press have also been reviewed.

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