03 October 2009

Organizing crafts and activities

I have had a few people ask me how I prepared my crafts for the whole year. This is where I keep all 36 wks of the school year assignments. It's just not for my crafts but includes everything I need for the school year. It has a lid also, I just took it off so you could see it. I have 36 file folders and in each week I have the manila folder labeled. I labeled the files by the curriculum. I have double copies of pages that I found off the Internet that I plan on using for Little man when he is in 1st grade. When I am done with this year, I will put it in another box until it is Little man’s turn and its all ready and I don’t have to search again. If that lesson has a worksheet or is asking for paper it goes in the file. I have my lapbooks cut up and in a ziplock bag ready to go. I found some neat coloring, notebooking and activity sheets to go with Mystery of History and God’s Design for Science which I want to reuse. I also have the directions of how to do the craft if needed and a list of what I need to gather to complete the craft (glue, paint, ect..) I have the library books and the books out of my own library listed in each file . If you see the pages sticking up it means I am missing something. I still need some wrapping paper rolls, and a certain size of empty cereal box and a few other things. Also, if I need to buy something. I made up a calendar that has all of this so I can prepare a week earlier.

If it is to big to go in the box I have everything ready to go in ziplock bags. Each bag is in order by week and has written on it the curriculum, week, day planned and book and page number. I also wrote on the bag what I need for supplies. So far, it has been working very well for me. I am opened to new ideas. So, if you have something that you would like to share that has worked for you let me know. If you see something I can improve my system I am all ears and would love to hear from you.


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