08 March 2012

Gragger Craft for Purim

Happy Purim! The kids made graggers yesterday for Purim. Graggers are basically noisemakers. Graggers are the noisemakers used during the reading of the Meglliah (book of Esther). Every time the name of Haman is mentioned, everyone boos, hisses, stamps their feet and twirls or shakes their graggers. We made the graggers for our reading of the Meglliah book of Esther this week.

Toilet paper roll
Craft stick
Hot glue gun
Dried beans or pasta
Tape or any kind
Rubber band

First make a slit in the toilet paper roll the size of your craft stick. Glue the outside of the tube around the stick. Let Dry. Decorate the toilet paper roll.
Cut the felt into a circle the size of the toilet paper tube. Secure the ends with tape.
Fill with beans or pasta. Secure the other end with the felt. We added the rubber bands at the ends also. You could even use duct tape instead of felt at the ends.
 Bug made a lady bug gragger. You know it has to be insect related for her. She loves her bugs.
 Little Man's gragger is his favorite color-green.
Simple fun craft to celebrate Purim when you read the story of Esther. Have a blessed day.


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