20 August 2010

Old West

We have a fun hands on museum in town called, "Cow Town" It's geared for both kids and adults. Saddle up and hang on to your hats.

The town is made up of historic building from around Wichita that have been moved to preserve the historical building, some of the building are new. They are all placed on dirt roads and you are transported back to the old west. You get to venture in all kinds of shops to do different activities.
They have houses, pharmacist, dentist, doctor office, mill, black smith and the local salon with the sheriff patrolling the town for any trouble. This is just a few of the many pictures from that day. They host gun fights, education day where you get to do school in the local one room school and many other events through out the year. The kids beg to go here often.
Bug working a real printing press
Little Man was the fastest printer in the west. He kept spinning the wheel around at lightning speeds. He was having a blast.
I think this was the church. The kids got to test out their music abilities and perform to who ever would listen. They had a variety of musical instruments. It was hard getting them out of here.

Grinding the corn cobs to feed the family and the farm animals

You don't want to forget about putting water in the trough for your horse. I think Little Man would of drowned them if we had real horses. It was a fun filled day at Cow Town. Y'all come back for the next adventure coming your way. Many Blessings


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