20 September 2010

Cinnamon Red Hot Candy Applesauce

After we came home from the apple orchard the kids wanted to make applesauce right away. I peeled and cored a bunch of apples and put them on the stove top to cook them.
After we adding the Redhot candy into the pan.
I used the blender for the applesauce. Bug doesn't like chunky, which would be my preference. We made a couple of quarts and then froze some for later.
Yummy! now for the recipe. Applesauce is so easy to make.

Cinnamon Red Hot Applesauce

10-12  Medium apples cored and peeled (I used the Jonagold, you can use Macintosh, or other types)
1 box of redhot candy (movie theater box)
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar (optional)

Place apples and water in a saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat for 20 minutes or until tender. Add sugar and candies. Cook, uncovered, until sugar and candies are dissolved. You can drain some of the liquid if you want. Remove from the heat; Mash with potato masher or put in blender for desired texture. Refrigerate until serving.

The flavor is not spicy like the candy, you can use less of the candy if you want. Enjoy.  

1 comment:

  1. That looks delicious! Must try it out! I found you at Sensational Saturday. I think you'd have fun at www.magicalmouseschoolhouse.com, where Disney IS school. Hope you can stop by!


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