25 June 2018
Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 Review
June 25, 2018
I have been using a brand new product recently released -
Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 with my daughter the last few weeks. I have
always wanted to explore Hake Publishing for my homeschool grammar program in
the past but, I just never took the plunge.
I received a physical product: Student Textbook, Writing Workbook, and the Teacher Guide. All of the books are a softcover book with perforated pages and 3 holes punched for adding to a 3 ring folder.
I received a physical product: Student Textbook, Writing Workbook, and the Teacher Guide. All of the books are a softcover book with perforated pages and 3 holes punched for adding to a 3 ring folder.
Teacher Guide
A suggested schedule for 146 days is included that includes
both the Student Textbook, test, and the Writing Workbook.
The Introduction section is
very helpful getting started and breaks down the components clearly. All your
answers for each lesson, test, additional practice pages are included in the
Teacher Guide. Also the test and practice pages for the student is in the back of the book. They recommend you teach the lesson in order as they really do
build upon one another. It also stresses to keep a consistent schedule for your
The lessons are scripted for you and are highlighted in bold.
Each lesson states that they average around 40-45 minutes in length. I like that each step has an estimated time
frame it should take to help with planning. So far we have spent around 30 minutes on each lesson and
the lessons may get longer the further we get into the lessons. Underneath the
time frame it says optional or required activity. I found that the optional
activity didn’t really need my attention as it was more of a classroom
activity. I really liked that as it helped me move along in the lessons without
any hiccups.
Student Text
This is a consumable workbook. There are 111 lessons in all.
It’s in black and white and a few illustrations in the workbook.
The format is
basically the same for each lesson. Grammar Meeting, Vocabulary, Read the Grammar
Lesson, Practice Problems, and Review Set. The first test starts on Day 11 and
after that it’s every 5th day which is included in the Student Text.
Writing Workbook
This is also a consumable workbook with a total of 21
writing lessons. The Writing Workbook is scheduled for the same day you do the
test. This includes writing paragraphs, filling in a short answer, number
the sentences in order, and other writing activities that go along with the lessons in the Student Textbook.
They recommend a 3 ring binders, notebook, and
encourage your student to make a writing journal.
How did I use Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 in my
I used this with my 15 year old 9th grader with
special needs. She is typically around a 3rd to 4th grade
level in language arts. She varies in topics as some areas she has mastered and
would be closer to her grade. My daughter regresses for unknown reasons and I
find I need to teach the grammar skills she had previously mastered often with
her. We typically did 3-4 days a week for summer school. In the fall we will do
Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 five days in a week.
A typical lesson looks like this: The first part is the “Grammar
Meeting” which is highlighted in both the teacher and student book by a box at
the top of the lesson. The “Grammar
Meeting” basically is a question for your student to think
about and answer the question orally. An example from lesson 21 is, “What kind
of person would make a good firefighter?” The intent is to enhance listening
skills and to model correct grammar verbally which should help them to practice
those skills when they need to put it in print. Also included in the box are
vocabulary words. The vocabulary words are Latin roots/prefixes and some Greek
words in this portion. The “Grammar Meeting” box is indicated as optional. I
personally felt that it was a good overview to start with. I really liked
the vocabulary portions taught in the box area.
The Grammar Lesson portion I would read out loud to Bug. It
has several examples on the topic you are learning about. Then we would go over
the Practice Problems together. This is a variety of circle the correct word,
fill in the blank, and so on.
The Review Set is reviewing other concepts you learned in
previous lessons. This portion we spent the longest amount of time on. I really
liked how each lesson went over previously learned concepts. I found this very beneficial
to review the concepts.
I followed the schedule and did the test and Writing
Workbook when it was assigned.
Final Thoughts:
I really liked Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3. I was impressed with this homeschool language arts curriculum. I felt this was a
perfect amount of work. The lessons are concise and to the point. I didn’t
think it had an overboard of questions or review in each lesson. Trust me this
is crucial to me with a special needs daughter who tends to get overwhelmed. It's an
open and go curriculum. I could look over the lesson the night or even the
morning before and it required no prep on my end.
My daughter had a hard time writing in the provided space in
both books. She has hard time writing due to arthritis and she is not able to physically
write smaller. She got a bit frustrated in that aspect of the curriculum. The
space felt smaller than some other programs I have used. This may not be an
issue for many students.
Overall, my daughter told me that she enjoyed using this
homeschool grammar program. We will continue with this next year for her 9th
grade year.
Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew have been using Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 in their homeschool. See what they think. Don't forget to stop by Hake Publishing and see their other programs.
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