13 July 2011

Sensational Journeys Book by Hartley Steiner

Hartley Steiner is coming out with a new book, "Sensational Journeys" it is scheduled to be released on September 1st,  but can be preordered on Amazon at a discounted rate right now!

Written by a mom of a young man with SPD, this much needed book tells the stories of over 20 families as they go through the trials and triumphs of sensory issues. It will cover all different aspects and what families should expect as they enter, and what hope lies ahead.

I got an opportunity to share my story in the book about Bug. I am thrilled to have been featured in her new book. You can read my story and other's amazing journey in the book also.

When I first started blogging, I wanted to encourage others who have children with special needs. Mostly, in the area of homeschooling. I found that I was encouraged by others who came across my blog and left comments and E mailed me. I have enjoyed meeting so many new people with my blogging. I had no idea what to expect when I first started blogging. I didn't think others would be to interested in my life. I have been blessed.

 I was contacted by Hartley quite awhile back when I was doing reviews on several different items that I found are helpful for children with special needs. She encouraged me to look at her SPD blog network and to keep blogging about SPD. I have been so encouraged reading about all different lives affected by SPD on her blog network. Thank you Hartley for letting me share my story in your new book.

It is a day to day challenge having a child who suffers with medical issues. Then add sensory issues to the mix! The day to day chaos of a child with Sensory Processing Disorder. I don't think I would know what life would be like without a couple of daily meltdowns.

I often hear others saying, "why read so much about others with medical issues? Doesn't it bring you down?" My answer is NO! It makes me feel like I am not alone. I can relate to the stories they make me laugh and cry at times. Your attitude changes when you see a parent struggling in the store with a child that is screaming, hitting, and having a total meltdown. I use to think, "that parent needs to control that kid and give them a swift paddle on the butt." I am now that parent who others give me that look that I need to control my child! I am the one who gets nasty comments because Bug is having a meltdown! Talk about an egg in the face! Once in awhile, I get a few who smile and talk to Bug to draw her attention away from her meltdown and tell me that it is okay. Remember compassion and not to be so judgemental. SPD effects alot of kids who look like they don't have any issues.

Sensory Processing Disorder is a real issue and it could be your next door neighbor's child.You know the one you think is a horrible misbehaved kid. Yea, that one! You know the parent who needs some parenting skills and needs to control that kid. That mom might just need a friendly reassuring smile. Don't forget to read Hartley Steiner's new book, Sensational Journeys.

1 comment:

  1. My youngest son, Victor, has SPD and aspergers. I would love to hear more about your story and others...


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