12 August 2011

The Harvest of Grace by Cindy Woodsmall

The third book in An Ada’s House series.

Sylvia Fisher loves life on the dairy farm. Unlike most Amish girls her age who spend most of their time indoors managing the household duties she would rather be with the families dairy cows. The love of her life has asked her to marry him. Sylvia asked him if he could wait for a short time for her answer. She was ready to say yes, when the unthinkable happens. He has asked her sister to marry just three weeks later and she has accepted his offer. Betrayal from her sister which she thought she had a close relationship with.

Sylvia has to leave home after an incident that could tear apart her family. Filled with guilt she convinces her father to let her go and help out as a farm hand on another Amish Farm hours away. No one but her parents know her whereabouts.

Aaron Bank returns home after months in rehab to help his family out from the failing dairy farm. He thinks that he can reason with his family to sell the farm and move to another district so he can care for them and make amends with his past.

What Aaron doesn’t expect is to find a new farmhand that is an Amish woman. His parents love her like a daughter. She knows how to take care of a dairy farm and is passionate about it. Aaron has an obstacle that he didn’t expect to try and reason with his parents-Sylvia. His parents are not ready to let go of the farm yet even with the mounting debt. Aaron promises to help out for several weeks if they will consider his offer. During that time he is forced to work with Sylvia. Neither one is to happy to have to work together.

What a wonderful book. I enjoyed this story of redemption. It was fun watching the characters grow. I love it when books mention characters from other stories in the series and other series. It sounds like this will be the last book in this series. Too bad I would love to have Sylvia and Aarons life played out in a new novel.

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from Waterbrook for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.


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