01 October 2011

Week In Review-Week #7

Another week finished. It's hard to believe that we have already been doing school for almost 2 months!

We are in Sonlight Core C week #7

Scripture memory this week Colossians 3:20.

Our read-out-loud is Eric The Red and Leif The Lucky. We finished Ginger Pye this week.

Monday-We had all of Bug's therapy today. Little Man did all of his school at the hospital. He is learning about his favorite animal, a raccoon.

Then Bug got a break. Well almost-our new van has a CD player and the kids listened to the addition facts in the van!

We headed down to the synagogue to prepare for a class on how to make and braid challah bread. That took all day as we made enough dough for 40+ people. It was a long day. I have seen more dough than I could of imagined! We had lots of challah bread and the class was a success.

Tuesday- We started out the day with bible as we do everyday. We have been enjoying doing the Grapevine bible study. What a great bible study for kids. My kids love drawing the stick figures. Sometimes it takes longer than I would prefer as my kids can really get into the stick figures! I know I need to slow down! It's just been one of those extremely busy weeks that I wanted to accomplish a lot! You ever feel that way?

Then we learned about the believers in Turkey in our Window on the World book. The kids found Turkey on the map and then stamped their passports.

At PE class today the kids played snakes and rabbits and other games. After wards track was the next activity. Little Man must of ran himself to hard because he was holding on to his side. Poor guy!

We are still in the Vikings and we did activities that didn't happened last week. The kids made Viking runes.
Wednesday- We made a stop in Albania and found it on our map and stamped our passports. We sang our geography songs for Southern Europe.

Little Man started his Beginning Geography workbooks which he loved. Bug worked on her Daily Geography. She is still doing some independent work. Not a lot but I will take what I can!

We revisited the High Holy day of Yom Teruah or better know as Rosh Hashanah which in Hebrew means, "Head of the Year," and as its name indicates, it is the beginning of the Jewish year. The anniversary of the creation, it is the birthday of mankind. The holiday actually takes place on the first two days of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, which is the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar. Later in the evening we headed out to service with our shofars on hand. Which the shofars got blown a lot tonight.
Thursday-No school was done as it was a Sabbath so we slept in and enjoyed the day playing and reading. Later in the evening we went to service.

Friday- Made me feel good knowing I choose the 4 day schedule with our Sonlight. With our busy life style it is a blessing. Even though we do school five days a week generally. The four days gives me some time to do make up when we get bogged down with appointments. 

Today we revisited Greece and the kids went down memory lane with what we did with our activities the previous years. Wow, I love it. My kids have remember more than I could of imagined.

I added in a book that is used with the five day schedule because of my kids love of all things maps. We are reading Maps and Globes. The kids made a stick chart map using the ancient stick chart used by the Polynesians. 
We end our day with Art. First we read, "How Artist See the Elements" we are studying the element of earth.

Next we pulled out our ARTistic Pursuits K-3 book two. We learned about Giotto and how he discovered his artistic abilities and looked at some of his artwork. Afterwards the kids got to created their own master piece. 
These are suppose to be a fresco painting. We layered oil pastels on a chip board and the kids had to scratch a drawing into it. They did a Forrest scenery with the main focus on a raccoon. Not quite how I imagined it to look. The kids thought it was a hoot!
Have a blessed week and May the Lord bless you and keep you in this new year!


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