
18 November 2011

Big Book of History Review

What do you do with a 15’ fold out book. First you have to have fun with it! My kids couldn’t wait to pull out all the pages in the Big Book of History. How can you not resist the temptation.
We laid it out in the living room floor. As you can see it is longer than my living room floor. The kids had fun and stretched themselves out by it. “But mom where in the house can we see the book completely folded it out that it will lay flat?”
Then we tried the hallway. It was just the right size. The kids enjoyed exploring the timeline for some time. Asking lots of questions about my favorite subject-History!!!! Then for some unknown reason to me they wanted to stretch out again next to the pages!
You can also enjoy the book like a regular book and read it one or two pages at a time. Well its almost like a normal book if you consider the pages measure around 8.5 inches x 14 inches.

My thoughts on this book:

It is easy to follow, color-coded, multi-stream timeline teaches six thousand years of world history. The timeline spans the era of Creation to Modern Computers.You will find  Biblical/Christianity time line as well as the World Events, the Inventions/Technology as well as the Civilizations/Empire during the same period of history. Images, photos, illustrations  provides a visual effect to capture the time period covered.

I have another expandable timeline, (which I love also) Big Book of History isn’t as comprehensive as the other one I own, but that is actually a good thing.  For kids my other one- is a little overwhelming. My kids didn’t have any issues following the Big Book of History timeline. By no means does that mean this timeline is lacking information. The illustrations and photographs are colorful and help bring history to life, and help you quickly find your location on the timeline.  This timeline is more appealing to my children! 

You can preview the book yourself when you go to the website. You can also purchase the panels for this book if the other format doesn’t appeal to you. 

You can download a study guide for Free for the Big Book of History. It's free-I love freebies.This is a wonderful resource for your homeschool or in any Christian classroom/library. I highly recommend it!

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.


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